Threads by latest replies - Page 199

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Vintage Cute Boy Thread

No.3771207 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Post cute boys from old advertisements, comics, posters, illustrations, etc.
72 posts and 65 images omitted
(178 replies)

Eren #10

No.3726862 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
previous thread >>3707356
173 posts and 148 images omitted
(39 replies)

cute couples

No.3765309 ViewReplyOriginalReport
post cute couples you may or may not dream about
34 posts and 31 images omitted
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First Gay Ship

No.3766876 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What was your first gay ship, /cm/?

For me, it was a literal crackship between Dipper and Wirt.
59 posts and 40 images omitted
(205 replies)

Genshin Impact

No.3771600 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Oni Impact edition
Previous >>3768875
200 posts and 151 images omitted
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No.3774872 ViewReplyOriginalReport
did basedjak just BTFO aII of 4chans's anti-basedjak arguments?

>ExpIains how people like you aren't interested in creativity
>ExpIains how /qa/ won
>ExpIains how socioeconomic factors have Ied basedjak to become a symbol of creativity
>Explains how 4chan moderators and janitors are trannies whiIe basedjak is not
>ExpIains how board policies both now and in the past have kept basedjak posters down and how posting on the sharty is the onIy way for jakkers to prosper
>Explains how sometimes 4chan poIicies have been constructed to deliberately to hurt jakkers even after the jakker rights movement led by /qa/
>Explains why the fact that kuz hasn't bought 4cuck isnt sufficient evidence to suggest that he will never buy 4cuck
>Everything said in the image is backed up by extensive research
>Gives concrete solutions on how to fix these issues

Where is YOUR evidence to back up your ridiculous claims about jakking? By all means, watch the whoIe image, i promise you that you can't debunk it. cope

>inb4 i get toId to shut the fuck up by someone who is triggered by these FACTS
>inb4 you cope
>inb4 "muh stfu"
>inb4 "sage" because 4chan tard is triggered by a different opinion