Threads by latest replies - Page 111

(163 replies)


No.3841267 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous thread: >>3838342
158 posts and 146 images omitted
(8 replies)
No.3843487 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So /ck/ is there any simple ways to improve pasta Bolognese?

I can't cook, when I make pasta I just brown the mince add the Bolognese sauce, boil pasta then combine them and add some mozzarella

I have very limited ingredients and was hoping on some small things to make it taste better?

Onion granules
Bolognese sauce
Chilli flakes
3 posts omitted
(154 replies)


No.3823105 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Nagisa's taking over!

>New iron-on patch and flat folder revealed for Haru's birthday
>New partnership with Mizuno
>KyoAni Shop now has international shipping so you can buy your gay swimming anime merch more easily

Listen to Free!

Previous Thread: >>3818681
149 posts and 145 images omitted
(5 replies)
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Are you tired?

No.3843439 ViewReplyOriginalReport
You have come so far, it is surprising how you managed to hold your problems for so long.
Here, lay.
I will pet your hair softly and fix all the problems in your head.
Your insecurities, your worries, all of it will be gone after your rest.
Everything will be fine, you are safe now.
I would sing but my voice is cringe lol
There there, i got you

Youre strong.
Youre human.
Youre a good boy.
(154 replies)

Gundam: Witch from Mercury #2

No.3835936 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Last thread reached bump limit.

Previous: >>3831250

Every boy welcome
149 posts and 145 images omitted
(12 replies)

where to find wholesome BL?

No.3842114 ViewReplyOriginalReport
total newfag here, not sure if I should be posting this here or on /y/, but i need a recommendation.
seems like most of the BL that i've heard of is very seme/uke, very like... sexual i guess?
what sorts of BL would you recommend that's
>really wholesome and romantic
>slow burn
>can be realistic as long as it's sweet
basically, what my brother would call "yaoi made with yuri sensibilities"
7 posts and 1 image omitted
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Armored Core

No.3833367 ViewReplyOriginalReport
can faceless mech pilots be /cm/?
23 posts and 17 images omitted