No.11527161 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have been working very diligently for 27.9 very long years in coming up with this formula which should, precisely, describe the transgestial accumulation of Quasons within a 4-dimensional anti-material gravitationally inactive space. The omega-rings which should be homogeneously applicable to a zeta-ubulu-Pebrionic Sphemphtospheropteroplamphleonically-Regenactivated Corogoscopilogostomolographtically Trampre-glotical Spheriod that is usable within a seven by one matrix of Wernecksteinian coefficients. This, coupled with a Bravatistigologial Space-Time Fabric undulations of seven-eight manifolds should hold up in Relativistic Space-Time as predicted by Max Planck in normal Euclidian Hilbert Space.

If anyone could please help me out with this that'd be great.