No.90773865 ViewReplyOriginalReport
This makes me so FUCKING ANXIOUS.

Why hasn't anybody killed Milo yet?
Why hasn't he killed himself?
How are his family still together and well adjusted?
How hasn't he been expelled from school?
How haven't his friends died yet?
How isn't HE dead yet?
How much money in tax dollars is his existence costing?
Why hasn't the government locked him in a high security prison or just killed him?
Why doesn't the town rise up against him?
What the fuck is with the dog? How hasn't it been run over?

This is a sample of all the questions I have about this fucking nightmare of a premise, how did disney allow this nightmare to air?
It's like they thought P&F was too formulaic and instead went in the complete opposite direction and now I'm constantly on edge while watching this shitshow.