Star vs a Serial Kidnapper

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Marco did a Q&A, juicy bits below.

[20:45] RwS Recap
>"I got pulled in by this crazy person named Hekapoo, who..."
>*recaps the episode, nonchalant about 16 years, reminisces about abs and Star's reaction*
>"I've seen the future, and the future is abs."
>"Luckily, there's been no sign of Hekapoo since I came back" (she smacks him through a portal)

[25:04] Q: "How was it to spend 16 years alone, and then come back to Earth as a kid?"
>"This is a great question. Yeah, a lot of people want to know... if... I've been deeply, deeply affected."
>"And well... I can tell you that, it's kind of a weird feeling. I feel... I remember everything that happened over those 16 years... definitely... can... remember it all."
>"But it... since I got back to Earth it's all becoming... a little more and more hazy. Like... almost like... a memory you had when you were a kid or something. You can remember it but... it's getting harder and harder to put details together."
>"Although I do remember Nachos, my dragon cycle."
>"I remember my sweet sword. I remember my abs."
>"And of course... the lovely Hekapoo." (she portal smacks him again)
>"You know what? Maybe I'll go visit her soon."

[28:06] Q: "What are your thoughts on Hekapoo?"
>"Hmm. Well... I mean... *sighs*. We spent a lot of time... kind of... chasing—I spent a lot of k—time kinda chasing after her. So... in the end, when you s-spend that much time with somebody and you have that kind of experience, I guess... you sort of regard them... with a lot of respect. And I guess... in the end, I saw the point was... to make me earn the interdimensional scissors, so... for that... I think... I think I'd consider Hekapoo a friend."

[32:00] Sign-off
>"And Happy Valentine's Day to you all. And a special, Happy Valentine's Day shout out, to a certain Jackie Lynn Thomas. Happy Valentine's Day Jackeh!
>"And of course... Star. Happy Valentine's Day Star. Good night everybody!" (Heckapoo pulls him through a portal)