No.84015495 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Jokes an waifufagging aside, how many characters in the history of western animation are honestly as deep and multi-layered as Pearl is?

>Starts off as Steven's loving, neat-freak godmother who saves the earth on a regular basis
>slowly she shows cracks and insecurities, revealing that she's worried she doesn't know how to raise Steven properly
>Rose's Scabbard hits and KAPOWIE, we learn Pearl was in love with Rose and secretly despises Steven for taking her away
>Deep down she just would gladly watch him die if she could be sure Rose would come back, but she can't and she despises herself for hating him
>Later we find out Pearl was born a slave who latched onto the woman who freed her and never abandoned her slave mentality
>Her obsessive neatness is not the only facet of that experience, she feels completely powerless and willing to manipulate her friends to hold onto the feeling of true power

holy crap that is a lot of interlocking layers of fucked up