No.82851167 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Fellas. Buddies. Pals. I'm so underwhelmed.
I remember how the "united we stand" trailer gave me chills and this was just... the opposite of chills.

>Tony blackmailing Peter into a fight with trained soldiers
My biggest WTF; wasn't he butthurt like 5 seconds ago because a mother blamed him for the death of her son??? I liked Spidey, but the way he was introduced was fucking disgusting. He deserves better than be Tony Stark's plaything.
>Tony Stark in general
It's so obvious that the script was rewritten in favor of RDJ's screentime and Tony's manpain that I've started to dislike him (and he was my favorite Avenger). And how the fuck he didn't know about his parent's death when Black Widow released Hydra files at the end of the Winter Soldier???
>The airport fight
I fucking laughed when they started running towards each other. It could be great but all those fucking one-liners effectively prevented me from giving a fuck about characters motivations. And why Bucky and Steve couldn't get to the airplane faster when earlier in the movie they were outrunning CARS?
>Ant-Man and Hawkeye
Speaking of motivations: wtf was theirs??? Especially since it has been said they have families??? Their presence was perhaps even more ham-fisted than Spidey's.
>Keeping things nice and hetero
I don't hate Sharon Carter, in fact I think her romance with Steve has the potential to be cute af, but it felt rushed as hell.
It's all good famillia, we just had a misunderstanding but no worries - we're still buddies.
>Steve in general
He looked so fucking constipated all the time. I like Evans but he could be replaced with a tree (perhaps he was mad because RDJ basically stole his movie).

I mean... For a movie that was supposed to be about consequences, there are no fucking consequences. Oh wait, there is the putting Bucky in the freezer - the victim of perpetual brainwashing.

I'm done with MCU, they've disappointed me way too many times.