No.122588483 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why do people insist that Superman is some inspirational beacon of hope or whatever other shit? He’s literally an unstoppable and immortal alien who spends his time preventing catastrophes but does nothing beyond that. What person would get inspired by that? Meanwhile Batman is just a guy that goes out and fights crime every night. The average Joe on the street would more easily look up to the guy doing his hardest to make a change in his neighbourhood, than some faux Jesus. Realistically people would either hate him for not doing enough, or hate him for not using his powers to the full, even for selfish goals, because his behaviour would go against the human condition. I’m not commenting on Superman as a character, I’m merely saying that reading him as an inspiration is dead wrong. Whatever Batman is and we the readers are privy to, any normal schmuck would see him as a crazy but well meaning guy who bleeds all the same, yet spends his nights trying to clean up the streets. Kids could get inspired by him to hit the gym or go to class in order to be strong and design cool gadgets. Meanwhile Superman just has it all and more than that he squanders it.

If there’s any member of the DC Trinity that’s actually inspirational, in and out of universe, it’s Batman.