Zack Snyder Explains The Importance Of Superman's Black Suit In The Snyder Cut

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>"It's interesting also, too, because like, you know, the black suit. Because you can say, in modern Krypton, when he left... Everyone was wearing black suits, mostly, you know? So it is sort of linked to... In some ways, to the old world. I think it's a more direct relationship to his family."

>"The blue suit is his 'Suit of a Hero,', the suit of his destiny. Where like, the black suit is more personal in a lot of ways. The black suit is more about his family. One is outward and one is inward. And I think that those things are the expression of that. Let's put it this way... It was always my intention that the larger arc of the movies was to realize that more completely. But I think you get a sense of it here."