South Park - Mexican Joker

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BUTTERS! You nearly forgot to make the South Park thread to christen the 23rd season of the award-winning animated series which airs tonight in less than one hour from the time of this post on internationally-beloved network Comedy Central! I knew I shouldn't have left you in charge of making the threads this year. Why, you probably forgot because you were too busy plotting to shoot up the town theater as the Joker! Don't you know that's already been done, Butters?! I'd ground you for unoriginality if it weren't for the fact that you were already were, it's probably why you stayed away from the computer all this week!

>Mexican Joker - In the pilot episode of the new hit series, Tegridy Farms, Randy battles home-grown weed and comes to terms with the fact that he might be a towel. Meanwhile, Kyle goes to camp.