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>My name is Mark Waid . I’m a New York Times-bestselling comics writer. In September of this year, I was sued by one of the perceived leaders of a relentless online harassment movement called “ComicsGate” which I and many comics professionals strongly feel has unfairly and offensively targeted women, people of color, and LGBTQ+ creators working in our industry in an effort to make them feel unwelcome. (You can read more about some perspectives on ComicsGate and its harassment techniques in the Washington Post and on Inverse .) I firmly believe this lawsuit is an effort to silence those of us who stand up publicly against bigotry and racism and who continue to defend diverse creators from harassment.

>If you like, you can learn more about the specifics of the lawsuit at, among other places, the Daily Dot . You can learn more about ComicsGate's tactics here , here , and (my favorite!) here , and I encourage you to visit my website for further details.

>Even though I am confident that the claims made against me are entirely without merit, lawsuits are time-consuming and very expensive. Still, I have never backed down from bullies, especially those who denigrate my friends, colleagues and the values our community stands for, and while I am not a rich man, you have my solemn promise that I will fight this fight no matter the personal cost.

>But I’m going to need your help.

>If you believe, as I do, that women and people of color deserve to be able to do their jobs—or any job—without being bullied, donate. Stand with me. If you believe that someone's gender or sexual preference should have no bearing on the career they pursue, donate. Send that message.

>This isn’t just about me; it's about standing together in the face of bullying. Every day that we don't push back against online harassment, it only becomes nastier and more powerful.

>This is an important fight. Thank you for having my back.