This is hands down the most blatantly manufactured /co/ntroversy I've ever seen

No.101963865 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Pic related is the tweet that I'm told started everything. As you can plainly see, it contains time-stamps to all the moments when Butch Hartman told a studio audience that he was going to make a patently Christian streaming service that would brainwash young people into following Christ.

Except, oh wait, that's not what happened at all.

This whole "controversy" feeds on the ignorance of people who didn't watch the video, as well as things wholly unrelated to Oaxis (e.g. his joking about Mary Bergman's suicide).
In the posts below I will run through each of the timestamps that this douchebag tweeted and prove that Butch said nothing about Oaxis being a "Christian" streaming service. I can't link to the video itself because it was taken down again (part of the manufactured controversy), but I'm sure it'll go up again in no time.

In the meanwhile...