What's your "Type"?

No.101609027 ViewReplyOriginalReport
When you pick a favorite character, what qualities do you look for? Sure, we can all enjoy a good book or story no matter the themes, be it a sci-fi or a drama tale,but usually when we pick favorites, we have a type. The kind that makes you a bit of a characterfag. Me, I love three kinds of characters: The Master Planner, the Swashbucklet, and the Bastard. Usually I look for these qualities in character-driven books. I think it's why Iron Man has remained my favorite all these years. Because across the decades, he's pretty much adopted all three of the traits I look for in a character.

And since we're talking about "types", in a waifu I like a healthy mix of brains, capabillity, purity, and maybe some class and snark. And they have to be Gingers. I guess I like the Action Gal, the Princess and the Bookworm. There are exceptions, but it's the reason Fairchild from Gen 13 is probably my No1.

What about you anons?