No.3005368 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Holy shit. I wanna get fucked by Dragon Install Sol Badguy so much. Every time I see him lean back and yell out "DRAGON INSTALL" and turn that fiery brick red I just wanna reach out and touch it. That's my mind's turn-on. It's what dreams are made of. I could just imagine his 9 inch throbbing cock plowing inside me, beat after beat, never stopping. That seven second time limit on Dragon Install means nothing when you're getting down on Dragon Install. It'd go on and on for ten fucking years, I'd bet on it. I wish that Dragon Install Sol Badguy was real. I'd lick his pecs up and down and I'd caress his nipples like a mother would caress their offspring. I love him so much. My flesh would wrinkle in deep contemplative pleasure. Like an old woman going blind but seeing better than the birds that flew outside her window. I'd stroke the soft pelt of his dark hair and trace his abs with my fingernail. I'd rock his body back and forth like an old woman drying her new baby. He's just so goddamn hot, he's so sexy, he's so majestic. Fuck.