104KiB, 1024x814, PerryXNuclearXPowerXPlantXinXLakeXCountyXXOhio-1024x814.jpg
Is there really no risk to living close to a nuclear power plant? Any studies on people who live within a close radius to one?
There's a park near where I live and it is near a power plant and a lake. You're so close you can see the fencing around the power plant down the coast with WARNING: ONLY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ALLOWED" signs on it. As I walked through this park, I felt this weird stinging pain that lasted for only a few seconds and then went away, but it was such a specific pain that I have never felt while walking/running/exercising before, and I am a very active person. Could it have been a radioactive particle that flew through me?
There's a park near where I live and it is near a power plant and a lake. You're so close you can see the fencing around the power plant down the coast with WARNING: ONLY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ALLOWED" signs on it. As I walked through this park, I felt this weird stinging pain that lasted for only a few seconds and then went away, but it was such a specific pain that I have never felt while walking/running/exercising before, and I am a very active person. Could it have been a radioactive particle that flew through me?