The fifth postulate is proved by the Voynich manuscript

No.14425427 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hyperbolic geometries bypass the fifth postulate because they are related to two curved lines by opposition to non-Euclidean geometries that are related to two straight lines, (or about lines with zero curvature), one of which is inclined with respect to the other with angles above and below 90 degrees.

But mirror symmetric curved lines will also follow the fifth postulate in the sense that when rotating them 360 degrees they both will intersect with the central line 9and between them) if the central line is a straight line with a zero curvature, or only the hyperbolic (or parabolic) and the central parabolic (or hyperbolic) lines will intersect if the central line is also curved.

These are self evident statements. The problem about the fifth postulate is to mathematically demonstrate that when the converging side's angle is lower than 90 degrees, the diverging side's angle is going to be inversely proportional to the extent that both angles will add up to 180 degrees.