No.14398346 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm thinking of using a psychedelic to see if I can rewire my brain and get rid of years of brainworms. I'm seeing that there's a lot of psychedelic research going on and I'm wondering whether to get involved in that rather than just try and do this myself. It would be a guided process and contribute to scientific research. If I just did this myself, I would likely research a good dose for psilocybin mushrooms and give it a go, but so many results from a lot of these trials seem so positive, and I feel like that might be the better way to go.

Do any of you anons know anything about psychedelics? Would you recommend scientific trials or just that I do this myself? Either way, there are thought patterns that I really don't think I can break without psychedelic assistance, and I have mixed feelings as to whether this becoming scientifically legitimised is a good thing or not. I don't want this area to become some sterilised, monopolised product, and I don't want to contribute to that. But on the other hand if it goes mainstream and helps a ton of people, I will be proud to have been part of the legitimisation process.