Am I fucked?

No.14395049 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Sorry if this is the wrong thread but I don’t really know where else to ask. I assume I’m at least most likely to get a response from someone who at least knows what they are talking about on this board compared to any other I could ask this question especially /fit/

Basically at nearly 30 years old I’ve worked out on my own with zero help from doctors that I was born with Marfan syndrome. I have every ‘symptom’ but if you saw me with clothes on I just look like a tall Chad.

Everything I’ve read about it suggests without constant management of symptoms you’re extremely likely to die young, I’ve started getting some of the health problems associated with it too. So how fucked am I with 30 years of not seeing doctors or anything and how fucked am I if I don’t start now? Any advice on what I should do or what my future might look like would be really helpful.