Career choices

No.12984142 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I am a bit lost, /sci/.
I’m 18, no clue what to do with my life.
I’d be interested in doing something related to how drugs affect the human brain, which I’ve looked into and would fall under neuropsychopharmacology, I think. I’d wanna look into alternative treatments for mental disorders, things like that. Which sounds kinda fucking stupid to my friends since I barely did any drugs myself.
What do I take in uni to go into this field? Is it even worth it salary-wise? How likely is it that I’d even land a job in it? (EU, btw)
I’m also interested in nuclear energy, and I’m generally interested in chemistry too, drugs aside. What could be a good career choice if the above one isn’t good?
I’ve heard people say that Chemistry is not the best thing to take in university.

I don’t really know at all, I’m just very lost. I just know I like Physics and Chemistry and want to do something interesting related to it, but the more I look into academia and future career paths the more grim it gets. Threads like this probably get posted all the time, and for that I apologise.