Hear me out

No.12781942 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Realistically, what kind of conspiracies could be concocted with a mass vaccination? No, I don't want to talk or hear about 'spiritual' ones and 'muh mark of beast' shit right now. I'm talking about biological ones. I don't know very much about vaccine production and microbiology at all so I'm wondering if there are any skeptics on here who actually happen to know a thing or two about these branches of science that can discuss this.
- Can a vaccine somehow be engineered to slowly weaken the receiver, making them more sickly?
- Would this even be possible with the amount of scientists in on it?
- Wouldn't at least one or two of them come forward and spread documents all across the web before the organizers of the conspiracy had them silenced?
- How would some malicious organizer (ie, Bill Gates) even manage to secretly get every researcher / manufacturer to make a destructive vaccine without ANY of them noticing and caring?

Again, I'm sorry for yet another vax-skeptic thread, but I genuinely feel there may be some grain of truth to all the fear.