No.12601876 ViewReplyOriginalReport
There are three primary purposes for a vaccination program.
1) Behavior modification and selective intelligence reducton.
2) Population management. That is average lifespan, disease incidence, and fertiliity management.
3) Leverage and psychosocial control. Establish a pretext to inject everyone with whatever you want, essentially whenever you want. Apply the agricultural model to human beings to keep them within your control, and your domain. Clip their wings, band them, brand them, tag them, herd them, whatever it takes. Create solidarity by inducing and normalizing sickness. Nanomachines / RF sensitive gene insertion to use their bodies as storage devices, transceivers, computation devices. All in service of the central banker et al's war to end all wars.

There you go. Decide what path you want to go down. Submit to their script, ie get clamped, or find your own way. This may be your last chance.