Dreaming & knowledge

No.11878566 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Today I made a dream in a subject in which I am totally clueless.
I was explaining some complicated molecular biology to someone. In my dream, I was very convincing and it all seemed to make sense, I was demonstrating something. However, there is no way what I was saying could make sense... or could it?
It makes me think of the DMT trips: at some point in their trip some psychonauts receive all the knowledge in the world (often from those mechanical elves) and they are really convinced having all that knowledge before it starts fading and they wake up forgetting everything. Our brain produces DMT when we sleep, hence the similarity.

My question is: do those complicated things we dream about really exist and our brain just vividly remembers something we once read or is it making up stuff with things we vaguely remember and are actually complete nonsense?