Maybe IQ Related

No.11728275 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I was talking to someone with a supposed high IQ, and trying to understand how they think.

From what I gather a lot of the ability of someone with high IQ is being able to "shut off" part of their brain to look at things almost purely objectively like they are entirely new things.

Instead of going in and having "interference" from what you would normally expect due to experience/crystallized knowledge, they can always look at something as if it were an entirely new thing.

Is there a way to block out this interference and let's say learn math/language quickly like a sponge instead of making mistakes because your brain wants to do things "the good ol way?" Maybe I'm misunderstanding too. I'm sure processing speed plays a part. Is there a way to work on increasing that as well? I just want to learn a lot of things and solve problems for fun. I'm a midwit as it stands and just am hoping to get a little bit better/faster at problem solving and learning. Haven't read this book. I'm in my mid 20's and I want to be able to continue learning if at all possible