Burn wounds

No.11670848 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I got a pretty large burn wound last night, and I’m really hoping I don’t need medical attention.

Pic related.

Wound is dry, doesn’t appear to be very deep, and doesn’t have much pus coming out, save for one or two spots where a yellow liquid will slowly ooze. The pain is manageable, and the hair follicles are mostly still intact.

Pic related makes it look bad. If it’s irritated by water or touch, it will turn slightly red and hurt more, but overall, pain is very mild. It looks irritated since I just washed it, but it’s usually about the same color as my skin.

All things considered, I think I’m safe. I clean every few hours, dry it gently, and moisturize. I pull off a very light layer of dead skin as needed, but overall, even when I’m washing it, pain is mild.

I think I’m safe, but need opinions. I can’t really afford medical attention, so unless it’s really bad, I’m not sure I can go.