Online Schools Need to Replace Public Schools

No.11054407 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I actually graduated from an online high school. I dropped out from my crime-infested, diverse 55% white 30% black high school in the first week of junior year, and I got through junior and senior year of online high school in just six months with a 3.5 GPA. It was very cheap. My Dad only paid $150 every month, which is pretty cheap for high school. It didn't matter what times I was on the website, all that mattered was me getting the work done. If I decided not to work on school for a week, they didn't care. I didn't have to put up with any disciplinary action, they were just happy taking more money from me.

Imagine if public schools were replaced by online schools. We would be saving hundreds of billions of dollars in taxes, and that money could be invested in improving the infrastructure or giving tax brakes to support the economy. Public school costs US taxpayers over $1 trillion every year.

We wouldn't have to deal with unruly minorities in schools anymore, and we wouldn't be having to spend so much money on police officers in diverse schools. There are some diverse schools that have such high levels of crime, that they even have police stations within the same building complex.

This could make a huge difference. We will probably never be able to bring back segregation of public schools, but we could actually be successful in destroying public schools, so we would never have to deal with them again.

This man does a really good job explaining how the US would look if this actually happened.