OPINION: Climate change is real; but isn't scary?

No.10999471 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So assuming global warming is real and will continue to happen over the next few decades, does it really suggest a grave and threatening future for humans? Sure the weather might become really fucked up and dangerous and resources might become scarce but does that necessarily suggest it will stop human civilization from continuing to thrive? Humans have been rapidly advancing technology in the past few centuries at an unprecedented rate and will continue to do so. A few decades ago the idea of solar panels, self driving cars, smart phones, humans colonizing mars, ect, would have seemed like a science fiction fantasy but now all those things are very common every day occurrences some of which are available for most people. Human societies are extremely adaptive, for example; in southeast asia massive floods caused by monsoons would cause extreme famine due to crops being devastated by flood water; monsanto then genetically engineered rice which was not only flood resistant but also higher in protein as opposed to regular rice. This ended most famine epidemics caused by flooding which was a result of climate change. During the middle ages the plague killed one in three europeans and back then it would have seemed humanity was doomed to become extinct; but we adapted, necessity bred ingenuity which gave birth to modern medicines and now plague, polio, and yellow fever are all completely forgotten about. Human society has never once failed to overcome even the most extreme conditions imposed upon us by the environment.