how maximize the efficiency of a child's mind

No.10932461 ViewReplyOriginalReport
hello /sci/, my Nephew is 2.5 y.o. and will soon start going to day care. The more he ages, the more able to comprehend more complex stuff he becomes. I want to make him a non-NPC human. Sadly, his parents are NPCs (ESFJ father of 105 IQ, ISFJ mother of probably 105 IQ).

What education path should I create for him to not end up becoming a human trash?
So far, I've been focusing his attention to engineering & space related stuff (cars, planes, rockets, space, planets / stars). I'm also giving him more and more complex puzzles and allow him to struggle so that he can git gub. I'm thinking of later (when he gets like 6-9) to gift him a subscription to (or something similar) or perhaps make bait him with some simple JS apps to see if he likes programming, logic etc.
Lastly, is it possible for a offspring of the most NPC human category (xSFJ) with an average IQ of 105 to become a non-NPC? So far he seems smart enough (although he has no patience, which I deem to be a sign of low intelligence)

Any advice?