!!1pmdQ4ymdO5 No.10809405 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Optimum Theory unified physics. Also Ken Wheeler is based af. Don't know about Optimum Theory? It's a free, non-paywalled legit af unified theory of everything that shows you how to unify physics using a cellular automata with the unified equation, the Universe = Energy / Space. Optimum Theory also offers the first legit theories of abiogenesis, the hard problem of consciousness, mind uploading, Universal Basic Income and more. Questions? Post them here. Or study Optimum theory for yourself here. wwww.optimuminstitute.org

The Optimum website does not have a message board. Optimists, such as myself, like to use 4chan as the message platform because 4chan was vital to Optimum Theory unifying physics and because as well all know, the mods of reddit are pussy(cats) who cannot handle frank and direct discussion.

Feel free to attack the THEORY of Optimum Theory from any angle, just know that I am NOT GARY, and ad hominems or appeals to authority are pathetic anti-scientific bullshit more fitting of the frauds at reddit, "reeeee Gary is a single dad so this theory doesn't count!!!! REEEEEE Gary doesn't have 10 PHDs from my favorite school so this theory doesn't count REEEEE" Cut the shit and attack the theory, not the person. They cannot of course. It's unified physics. But if you can find a gap in the logic of the THEORY then kudos!!