No.10536293 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>massive autistic nerd
>enroll in college for CS
>"at least in CS there are people interested in the same stuff as I am"
>study like a madman, do all my courses in minimum time
>graduate and enroll for a PhD
>work work work
>write and submit paper
>get accepted
>visit scientific conference for the first time
>"Alright anon... this is what you worked for. now is the time to shine and do some networking"
>go to welcome reception
>realize the years of hard work, studies and neglecting social skills have socially crippled me even further, now to a point that even at a STEM related event I'm too autistic to engage in conversation with strangers
>stuff some shrimps in my mouth and go back to room to work on next paper

How common do you think this is?