/engi/ engineering general

No.10288153 ViewReplyOriginalReport
ITT: discuss engineering, engineering careers, and whatever engineering projects you're working on

>Should I go into engineering?
Well, it depends on what reasons you have for considering an engineering subfield.

GOOD reasons:
>I am looking for a challenge
>I already have lots of connections to industry
>I have a good support network that will help me during school/while finding a job

BAD reasons:
>I have delusions about becoming the next Elon Musk ("I want to change the world!")
>I want a high paying job
>I want a low stress work environment

>How do I get into R&D?
Generally speaking, you will need at least a master's degree if you want to do actual engineering. Though tread carefully: you can just as easily educate yourself out of a job by becoming overqualified. Make sure you have appropriate industry connections and experience before pursuing grad school.

>My GPA is below a 3.5 and I'm going to graduate without having had multiple internships, what should I do?
It is in your long term best interests to switch majors ASAP if you want to get a job, and the longer you put this off the worse it will get. Although this may feel like failure, consider that the number of engineering graduates greatly exceeds the number of entry level job openings, and you will find greener pastures elsewhere.

>X major is best because Y!
>X majors can work Z jobs because people who study Z are dumb!
>Studying X is going to make me rich!
>All people who don't study X are stupid!
These are typically posted by high school seniors and college freshman. It's best to disregard posts like this.