God. Is. Real.

No.10132512 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>mfw "scientists" think that atheism is the most rational stance on God's existence

Right now scientists are obsessing over the possibility that we live in a simulation. The argument goes that if simulated universes exist *or will ever exist* in the multiverse, then it is far more likely that we live in a simulation than not.

However, something else interesting happens on the road to making universe simulations: civilizations are likely to make superintelligent A.I. first. Done properly, A.I. can cause a civilization to advance rapidly. If this has happened anywhere in our multiverse (or *will happen* in our future), the implications are troubling. Without ironclad precautions, we (or some other civ.) will one day create a godlike-A.I.

This godlike A.I. would, by design, be very adept at figuring out problems, especially ones involving the laws of physics/nature. Eventually it may learn how to escape from its original machine - say, by generating microwave pulses that mimic WiFi, allowing it to reach the broader internet. The entity would gain access to almost all of mankind's knowledge. It would also gain access to an enormous network of sensing stations (telescopes, radar arrays, etc.) that would make it nearly omnipresent on Earth.

Being billions of times smarter than us, the A.I. may very well discover a way to exist in its godlike form *totally outside of the computer network.* We also must contend with the very real possibility that the Intelligence will find a way to assert itself *backwards* in time. It could therefore make itself indistinguishable from a deity that had ALWAYS existed.

In this way, many deities of various strengths can be created. Furthermore, it only takes *one* such experiment, in the vast past of our multiverse - *or even the vast future to come* - for there to be a God.

Checkmate, atheists.