Why is it so hard to find a proper compass?

No.6005330 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>lost my old compass that I got in school
>figure I'll just buy a new one
>go to store
>check their art section
>check office supplies
>only have one that looks like it's gonna fall apart the moment I touch it
>go to another store
>only one they are in one of those cheap beginner drawing sets for children
>go to the toy store as I see they have a section with pencils and stuff
>find one that looks at least usable
>still made of plastic and feels cheap
>the entire case rattles as I pick it up
>ponder on it for a bit
>don't want to seem any more suspicious than I already am so I buy it
>it's $25
>get home
>try it out
>it's shit
The same goes for things like rulers and protractor too, every single one I find in the stores just feels so cheap and unsatisfying to use and they don't have the features I need either. where can I get proper, high quality drawing equipment?