Need help for tablet

No.6003126 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello /ic/ i need advice for a tablet. I have never drawn on digital and i want to start
I saw that there are two types of tablet, with screen and screenless. I dont quite understand how the screenless ones work, they look really awkward to use. How do you know whats the part of the paper where you are currently tracing lines? I dunno, it seems something awkward akin to playing an fps game with a controller.
I would like to get one with a screen as that seems more enjoyable to me. Cosy is not a problem as im willing to make a good investment or can also buy it used. But yeah id rather not have to spend 1000 bucks on it lol. There are valid options around the 500 range i assume?

So heres what im looking for:
- I would like one that has no problems when it comes to displaying colors. A friend of mine said he got one which cant display every possible color because its shitty.
- something that doesnt feel too different from drawing on paper. Would be nice if you can change the pens settings and choose whether it always draws lines with the same width, or it detects screen pressure to make thinner/thicker lines just like real pens. And choose options according to your needs
- can be connected via cable to your pc to transfer files
- can install new brushes and other programs (i heard theres something called lazy nezumi that helps draw nice lines)
- has a big enough display, 6x8 inches would be nice i think
- not too expensive but i could buy a used one if it is

Now that i think about it i actually dont really know how tablets work. Are they separate devices from your pc, and you just draw on them then connect to pc to transfer files. Or are they always connected to your pc to interact with a program like photoshop?
Sorry for long thread but i know nothing about tablets. Just want to start making digital stuff
Thanks for the help!