No.5993436 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi /ic/. I haven't posted here in years but I've come back to share some good news:

I have become an art director. That being said it has been 10 years since I started doing art seriously. On this very forum.

2013 discovered Jaime Jones and Craig Mullins, joined and started lifedrawing like mad. Posted art on here frequently just to be shat on and laughed at.
Improved tons over time, started getting freelance work around 2015. Drew porn and furry also between 2014 and 2018 (it pays so fucking well I would still encourage anyone to do this on the side until they can fill their entire working time with better paid work).

Around 2019 I got my first large freelance client. Suddenly was making a few k a month easily. Every now and then one of their projects needed a large volume of work with short turnaround, this meant I got a 6-8k thrown at me in one time payments. Felt good man.

Late 2021 they said they want me working inhouse fulltime. I was offered to do a trial run and work inhouse for a month with paid accomodation. Made a good impression and the offer was upped significantly + the title of art director slapped on top.

At the risk of sounding full of myself all of the other artists at the company kind of suck compared to me. Their fundamentals are weak to nonexistant, they cannot draw or paint to save their life. Feels weird since I had internalised the mandatory /ic/ mantra 'you are always absolute garbage no matter what'. This lead to me studying hard af and being humble and observant and learning fast, I guess.

You can do it boys. Before anyone asks I'm not appleflinger nor anyone else you probably know, but I used to post here frequently and was somewhat known between 2015 and 2017. Had a sketchbook on permanoobs with a very high view count.

God bless you bros.

>art unrelated