No.5975378 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ignore the 50% rule. It's a NGMI trap. But follow DAB. It's legitimately a good course. Afterwards, or during, supplement with additional perspective, anatomy, lighting/shading/rendering, and digital painting.
If you follow DAB's 50% rule, you will fail. I can guarantee that. I went through the course solely focused on finishing the course. And although it was a grind, it was worth it. If I had followed the 50% rule, it would have literally taken me twice as long to finish. I wasn't having that.
Also, consider this. If you follow the 50% rule, you can be taken down two dark paths:
1. Enjoy your "fun" drawings and become complacent with your skill set and quit the course sooner than need be.
2. Hate your "fun" work and quit the course.
Either way you lose. At least you know when you follow the course, you should get certain expected results.
Not posting my own work, because I'm getting hired for some work soon.