To copy 1 artist or many artists?

No.5973284 ViewReplyOriginalReport
is it better to just focus on copying 1 single artist that you like and going all the way with it or is it better to reference from a variety of artists that you like and grab things here and there?
From my experience I feel like referencing too many artists is a trap where you get oversaturated with so much information you end up getting nowhere at all. Also will copying an artists style long enough somehow ingrain that style into my brain so I can draw in that very style just from imagination?

Lastly, I know this has nothing to do with the topic but why is it that sometimes an artist that draws a lot like I mean a shit ton doesn't really improve all that much. I'm beginning to think there's a limit or a cap to everyone's artistic ability. Some people even regress with time which is hard to understand because you'd generally think more practice and more lines on paper will aid progress instead of taking away from it. I know the quality of practice is important but it baffles me how you can actually get worse with time.