No.5970904 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>“Anime’s a big deal in our house. Cable, all my X-Force stuff, I leaned heavily into anime. Cable, Shatterstar all were very much reflective of my love of anime. The gear, the pads, the yelling faces. American audiences are like, ‘why are your characters always yelling?’ I say, ‘Have you opened Akira or Bastard, or Fist of the North Star?’ I pulled a lot of that into my work, and I honestly think it’s why my work soared above the rest in the ’90s. It tapped into an emotion. While everyone else was trying to draw comics the Marvel way, I’d already digested and applied the manga platform. Manga, as published at the time — even when you reversed it — the layouts don’t apply to us. I took American layout and design and manga anime emotion and gestures, smashed them together and had a great career.”
>TFW western art has gone to shit thanks to tranime