How do I stop nuking my accounts

No.5337630 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>make account on whatever art platform
>post some art
>get relatively positive response, gain 10 followers
>suddenly I feel a wave of anxiety, all of the new pics I draw don't feel good enough, and on top of that I get ashamed of the art that was posted a few weeks ago
>delete fucking everything
>repeat cycle a few months later
wtf do I do? I want to build an audience in hopes that I can make a few bucks (not as main income but a "part time job" at most), but I get so scared bros.
My biggest fear is that I'll get made fun of by an artist who is better than me, and he/she will be one of the jerk-like ones who won't bother giving descriptive criticisms on what's wrong with my pictures, but rather just plain petty high-school tier teasing.