How do you accept your own irrelevancy?

No.5336529 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I imagine most people who go balls deep into art (or any project for that matter) expect to eventually not only be successful, but be so enough to be praised or remembered. But imagining those big projects, there's obviously gotta be the people who make the meat and bones of those projects, that put in details and help the main guy finish the job. I can't imagine a single person (for example) animating all 120 hours of spongebob, nor the single guy making all the frames in evangelion. The point is; Is it really so much a single genius making the masterpiece? Is it the work of a select number of professionals? Or are the raw numbers of workers that make a good project? If so, how do i get into those projects? How do i find a place to make my little contribution to a larger something?