The Key to drawing

No.5157024 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I spent a lot of time learning the fundamentals and at some point just like many of you i hit a brickwall.

I felt like there was something i was missing that made me struggle with concepts like proportion and acsesing my visual library.

So i decided to hit the reset button on my progress. I went back to the basics of the basics and looked for guidance from many old and new masters. What i discovered, specificly from norman rockwell, and artist like kim jung gi, was the fact my foundation lacked a foundation when put into study and practice.

What do i mean? Simple the foundation upon which all others stand is composition.

Composition is king. Understand it this way. Your eyes are constantly creating scenes in your mind, like a camera.These scenes(pictures) are stored in your visual library. You can not acess this information properly without first refrencing the SPACE in which it was stored.

So how do we refrence this space? Simple, by using the picture area.

Without establishing a picture area you cannot truly understand, value, proportion,form, perspective.Sure you can practice these concepts but without composition u will never understand them like you understand your abcs.

Everything that you draw should be placed within a picture frame. The size can vary depending on your SPACE your refrencing.But you must especially as a beginner use the picture frame when you study, it makes everything 1000 times easier to draw.

This concept is so important it became the focus of bettyedwards entire book.

So important that kim jung gi used it as a foundation for his entire technique.

So important that norman rockwell and many old masters created tools to help people understand just how crucial it was to changing the way you think. He even made it the third lesson in his famous artist cartoon course.