No.5147469 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can someone just tell me why there isn't a physical art board?
[a little history about this thread]
I post this thread once a year, I say the same thing and ask the same things and the consensus always comes down to two arguments:

>why would you do art in physical life when computer art?
>yea there should be a separate board

so this board is for artwork, and the word 'critique' is added because it's going to happen, and it'd be a pointless place without critiquing. The problem isn't going away though, whether complex beautiful digital art takes days to make or not, you can fill a canvas and complete digital work much much much faster, this completely drowns out physical art.

this board kills physical arts like posting sports in the fitness board would have killed genuine questions about fitness.

I like to paint, some like to draw, not with a mouse. trying to explain the preferences here is in essay form. I just want people to admit that believing physical art is dead/dying, or thinking that physical artists don't actually exist isn't even a real argument.
The real reason people are sucked into digital art over physical? lets not skip around and bullshit ourselves, the reason is called CTRL Z.

I like to paint, but a physical arts board would be 80% full of painters and pencil/colour pencil, yet the board could still have:
>sculpting, whittling, burning, spray paint, jewelry, glasswork, acrylic pours, ceramics, embroidery,

I hate this board so fucking much. It's just in the way.