Challenge 45

No.5137499 ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is a drawing exercise that I do myself every once in a while. I want to see others try it out. This is an exercise in thinking about space 3d objects, please refrain from looking up references or trying to 3d model it. it may seem simple, but it can be tricky.

The problem
>You are to draw two cubes intersecting in a specific way
>On the left you can see the cubes from the side view, one is sitting parallel to the floor, the other has been lifted up to half the first's height, turned to the side 45 degrees, and tilted from the corner 45 degrees.
>on the right is the first cube from a different perspective
>your challenge is to draw what I described (you have the left for reference) from the perspective of the cube on the right.
cubes intersecting at 45 degrees, Draw it from a 3 point perspective.
The biggest challenge is to get it just right and to make sure all your bases are covered.
I will share my best attempt at this later on.