The question of "what to draw"

No.3862548 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have been contemplating about poses and themes and how they're achieved/illustrated. I hope for a discussion, and/or critique/correction to what I say, and that it's after reading the whole thread(in order to avoid confusion).
I have been trying to understand what the majority of poses in illustrations that are on the internet mean, what the thought process behind them would be. I'm not a natural artist, so it's unfathomable to me by instinct. I don't have any idea of what pose to draw the character in, what theme to use. So, let's start by defining a "pose": A pose is a configuration of joints on a human figure, depicted in 3D space. Let's break down that definition and try to understand how to achieve a pose.
>A configuration of joints
Involves understanding how joints move, anatomy, natural human posture, and center of gravity.
>depicted in 3D space
Involves understanding perspective and form.
Now, to take a look at the confusion, I pose a question: Do poses need a "why"?