getting good fast

No.3285747 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I refuse to believe that you can't get pretty good (decent enough to open patreon and make some money etc.) in a year tops. there's no reason why drawing should be so much harder than other skills. I think "drawing takes forever and is grueling hard work" is a meme

I've been at this for 2-3 years and I still suck cock. I have all these drawing books and I do the gesture and shit but I'm still garbage. however, I really just think I'm doing something wrong, as opposed to drawing just being hard. I picked up guitar in a few months. didn't take me long at all to learn songs, play with other people, memorize things, etc.

prove me wrong, or support my views. list artists who "made it" in a ridiculously short amount of time, prodigies, etc.