Zuko's character arc was a disappointment.

No.99840487 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Not saying it wasn't interesting character development, but I just don't enjoy Zuko's second redemption arc as much as I did on my first watch so long ago.
After the double cross on Iroh, Zuko just turns into a wishy washy traitor.
Even when he does go to the "good" side, the blemish on his character never truly washes off. And not in the way they probably wanted it to. It makes him look like a fucking whiney confused idiot for the rest of the story instead of a hero seeking redemption.
I'd rather him stay in the fire nation and find his own way from there or have him help the Avatar gang from the start instead turning coat AGAIN later on.

All that being said we did get some great filler episodes due to this turn of events so I guess it all checks out.