No.99541388 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have never once seen a single decent argument for why TTG should be defended. The writing is family guy tier riding off of references, irony, and meta self-aware humor. The characters are butchered to the point they have no resemblence to the show it was based off of and again tries to play it off as parody without understanding what they're supposed to be. The "humor" is the typical stupid lelsorandumbxD crap that's been infesting the west for the past decade or so and to top it all off the show gets spammed relentlessly by the network. And how do TTGfags defend their precious show? Ad hominems of nostalgiafag, enterbot, and that it's all ironic so it's not supposed to be good all but admitting that it's a shit show. They want it both ways that it's a good show worth existing but it's also "for kids" or "it's ironic" so it's not supposed to be good as a copout thinking it invalidates all criticism of the show. If steven universe is the tumblr of western animation and rick and morty is the reddit than TTG is the facebook of western animation. I don't think I've ever seen anyone defend this drivel of a show without attacking the 2003 teen titans or attacking those against TTG.