No.99498647 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why did Katara feel the need to endlessly nag Toph about not fixing up a tent she wasn't going to use or not gathering berries she's not going to eat or whatever she was bitching about in the The Chase? Toph brought her own supplies and she was providing Aang with important earthbending training. The rest of the gaang didn't have a problem with her but Katara still had to make an issue of it, why?

Then you have The Runaway, where Toph's gambling provides supplies for the most important attack on the Fire Nation in the entire war's history. You know that bitching armor Appa wears in The Day of Black Sun? You can thank Toph for that. But Katara dismisses her contributions as 'acting out'.

Oh no Toph's actions in preparing for this war ending invasion got them caught. Meanwhile Katara gets the gaang caught trying to break into one of the thousands of concentration camps in the world because she got a crush on the boy sent there, she gets them caught stealing from pirates and then laughs it off, she fights Aang's waterbender master because her pride got hurt, she halts their trip so she can play Captain Planet. And every single time she's either portrayed as a hero or her actions are laughed off.