/CTG/ Channel-tans General

No.99425894 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Super Early Saturday Edition

Drawfags and Writefags are more than welcome to contribute. Reposts also welcome

>What is a Channel-tan?
An anthropomorphic personification of a television channel.

>Why are you making these?
For the simple reason that we can.

>Why are they all girls?
Japanese -tan tradition. But we do have some boy -tans too.

>Where is the gallery for all the images?

>Where is the Pastebin for all the ideas?

>Previous Threads?

>How can I help?
If a Channel doesn't have a personality yet, then you can suggest ideas for one.
If a Channel doesn't have a design yet, then you can suggest ideas for one.
If a Channel has a personality and a design, then you can draw them.
If multiple Channels have all of the above, then you can draw comics of them interacting.

And last but not least, remember to have

Previous Thread:
>>99311141 ?

Lewds and Nudes Thread