No.97501614 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello 4chan! Captain Planet here!

Shitposting is clean and safe for the enviroment, and contributes to funposting and lulz!
But you what kind of shit isn't healthy to the planet? Indian shit!
You see kids, Indian don't want to stall modern plumbing systems in their cities because "muh tradition", and all their chilly stinking poo goes straight to the rivers and then the ocean without treatment! They swin, pee, poop, drop their corpses, take baths, clean their clothes in and drink from the same body of water!

But they don't mind, because in large scale this just affetcs afftecs the lower classes, or as the rich ass shitskins would say: "The Minor Castes". The only reason of why India makes so much money, is because their religion says that people who are born poor don't need to be treated as people. So they can slave them in underpaid jobs, while classes born in privilege profit from cheap labor, importing overpriced crap like jewelry, fabrics, perfumes and other useless shit that are in fact a scam! For real! Check the price of gold, that mufactured necklace that your aunt bought is not worth a hundredth of what she paid, and was glued with super glue! India is like China, but shitier, lazyer and not even a little smart!

The worst parrt is that this scum ship their sons to our country to cry about the white devil and shit ass old cartoons, while in fact they are all spoiled teens who just were able to come to your country because their families are rich privilied pigs and borderline slave owners!

Don't matter what's your race, religion,or etinicy! But if you ever see a subhuman shitskin, remenber of doing your part! Scream high and loud: "POO IN LOO"

*flyes away*