No.97232398 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's with Marvel of late? It feels like their character roster has shrunken down to just he current Movie characters and their legacies, with some minor diverse characters being placeholders for possible future films.

Why are we being told that Kamala, Nova, Miles Morales, America and Moon Girl are the best teen heroes they've ever had?
Why are the X-Men so weak right now?
Why is Squirrel Girl suddenly so """popular""" when she's at her ugliest artwise?
Why is Marvel regurgitating the same stories again like WWHII, Civil War II, Infinity (Hell, they can't even use just Infinity cause we had an Infinity event recently!)?
Why did the past two events feature the exact same characters with no new faces?
Also, anyone find it hilarious how fast Silk dropped off the face of the planet?

GOD, why is Marvel just so fucking terrible right now?!